The Crack in the Ceiling (by James Harvey), a darkly comedic musical about a single mother, her son, and their kitchen ceiling. The show was presented at the New York Musical Theatre Festival and the New York International Fringe Festival, where it received the award for Overall Excellence in a Musical. "Nicky Torchia's depiction of David, the wizened 11 year -old who analyzes situations with an acumen and poise that are unfortunately often the lot of those who experience loss at an early age-and here the writing is especially penetrating- is a wonder to behold. His stage presence and aplomb doubtlessly foretell a long and successful Broadway career."
Review by Nite Life Exchange "Eleven-year-old Nicky Torchia evidences easy-going naturalness in a very solid performance as son David. Neither angelic nor bratty, he’s real and sympathetic, and sings quite well. His work is bright and on target, he’s always in character with his attention and reactions and line readings, scoring laughs with exit lines like “Good luck with this one,” eying Mom’s latest weirdo guy." Review by Cabaret Exchange "Cates is also lucky to have such a talented foil in Nicky Torchia, whose impressive performance as David shows a range and skill level far beyond his 11 years." Read entire review at The Villager "Nicky Torchia is darling as David. There is a sincerity and ease about Torchia that is amazing; as David, he is a believable, frustrated boy who just wants to be heard by his mother."Read entire review at Theasy "Young Nicky Torchia is a self-possessed young actor who exudes a confidence without cuteness."Read entire review at Theater Pizzazz "Nicky Torchia is a strong singer and adorable." Read entire review at NY Theatre Review "performed with excellent vigor by Nicky Torchia." Read entire review at StageBuddy "Her son David, played by the talented Nicky Torchia." Review by NYTheatre Now |
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